Friday, December 11, 2015

News for the Week of 12/14-1218

Dates to Remember:
Monday, Dec. 21- Friday, Jan. 1- Winter Holiday Break
Monday,Jan. 4- Welcome back to school!
Thursday, Jan. 14- 11:30 Dismissal
Monday, Jan. 18- No school/ MLK Holiday
Friday, Jan. 22- Booster-thon Fun Run

End of 2nd nine weeks is Thursday, January 14th. Report cards are issued Friday, January 22.

Leads for the week:
Monday: Alyssa
Tuesday: Edyan
Wednesday: Carlton
Thursday: Kyra
Friday: PTO winter celebration 

Field Trip:

Monday, December 7, 2015

News for the Week of 12/7-12/11

Dates to Remember:
12/11- Ballet Field Trip (please return permission slip, lunch choice and $10 for the trip as soon as possible)
12/18- PTO Winter Celebration 
12/21-1/1- Winter Holiday Break

Parents of Kindergarten students: As part of the eight components of school health, School Nurses conduct periodic vision, dental, hearing, blood pressure,and other screenings as recommended by SC DHEC, and as needed as part of the nurse's assessment during a health room visit. These screenings are important in early detection of hearing or vision difficulties that may impact teaching and learning. Many times a student is not even aware he/she is having difficulty seeing the board, reading, or hearing classroom instructions. I am planning on starting screening next week and hope to complete K-5 before winter break. Please contact me if you do not wish to have your child screened. Thank you!

Leaders of the Week:
Wednesday- Tate
Thursday- A.J.
Friday- Nate

A BIG THANKS TO...Mrs. Tompkins, Mrs. Rivera, Mrs. Strong, Mr. Matthews, and Dr. Silva for volunteering to chaperon for our upcoming field trip. We could only take one so we had a student draw a name! Mrs. Yanira Rivera is the lucky winner!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

News for the week of 11/23-11/27

12/11 Tale of Two Clara's Field Trip
12/18- PTO Winter Celebration

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!  Please be safe and remember that is is a time to give thanks and enjoy family and friends. Thank you all who tried out Periscope.  I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to watch the videos for the next 22 hours  Thanksgiving Feast Thanksgiving Wrap-Up

Saturday, December 5th. Arbor Day Celebration at Carolina Children's Garden from 11-1. Join them in celebrating trees with story telling and crafts and much more.


EdVenture Children’s Museum invites you to come explore this winter wonderland from Nov. 21-Jan 11. Snowville is a winter playscape where every day is a snow day!

Children can climb Mount EdVerest, explore an ice cave, and even tube down Sled Hill, a 25 ft. long slippery slope sure to give thrills to all. Along the way, children will learn about the science behind the snow in a fun and exciting environment.

Leaders for the week:
Monday- Zayden
Tuesday- Tristen
Wednesday- Happy Birthday Savannah
Thursday- Eliahna
Friday- Jameson

Friday, November 20, 2015

News for the week of 11/23-11/27

Dates to Remember
11/24- Goodies for Grands 7:15 am
11/24- Kindergarten Feast (The event can be viewed at 
12/11 Tale of Two Clara's Field Trip
12/18- PTO Winter Celebration

If you would like to download Periscope to your device or watch from a PC below are links.
   Download for iPad/iPhone 

Download for Google Play Store

Dear Parents,
On Tuesday, November 24th, our kindergartners will have the unique experience of coming together with other kindergartners on our hall for a Thanksgiving feast.  We will assemble tables in our hallway and feast together, wearing our pre-made Native American and/or Pilgrim attire.  We will enjoy our time as a kindergarten family and celebrate the friendships we have made.
Due to the size of our kindergarten, with 140 students, this celebration of friendship is limited to the students’ participation only.  We are unable to accommodate an additional 100+ parents on this day.  We appreciate your understanding, consideration and cooperation with this request.
Kindergarten Team

We also encourage students to eat school lunch that day.  The menu is as follows: Chicken nuggets, corn, apple sauce, tater tots, and cookie.  

Seesaw is a digital portfolio project that I am experimenting with to keep record of your child's work.  If you please download the app and let me know how you like it. 

Saturday, December 5th. Arbor Day Celebration at Carolina Children's Garden from 11-1. Join them in celebrating trees with story telling and crafts and much more.


EdVenture Children’s Museum invites you to come explore this winter wonderland from Nov. 21-Jan 11. Snowville is a winter playscape where every day is a snow day!

Children can climb Mount EdVerest, explore an ice cave, and even tube down Sled Hill, a 25 ft. long slippery slope sure to give thrills to all. Along the way, children will learn about the science behind the snow in a fun and exciting environment.

Leaders for the week
Monday- Chance
Tuesday- Bleu
Wednesday- Happy Thanksgiving Break!
Thursday- Happy Thanksgiving Break!
Friday- Happy Thanksgiving Break!

Thank you again to Dr. Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Thompkins, and Mrs. Meassick for volunteering for our Native American Immersion Day today!

Thank you to Dr. Silva and Mrs. Strong for volunteering for our Traveling Trunk on Monday!  

Friday, November 13, 2015

News for the week of 11/16-11/20

Dates to remember:
11/20- Make up Pictures
11/16- Traveling Trunk (9:45)
11/20- Native American Immersion Day (8:45)
11/24- Goodies for Grands
11/24- Kindergarten Feast (I will live stream the event on

 Download for iPad/iPhone
 Download for Android Google Play Store

11/25-11/27- Thanksgiving Break

For homework, please allow your child to "disguise a turkey! Please look in your child's folder for details.

Technology Tip:
This app helps with letter formation and beginning sounds.

Leader of the Week:
Monday- Alyssa
Wednesday- Carlton
Thursday- Happy Birthday Logan

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Land of the Free, because of the Brave!

This has been, and still is one of my favorite Veteran's Day as a teacher. Great turn out for our parade, the kids loved our guest readers, and we even found a snake (which has nothing to do with Veteran's day but it fits in with Kindergarten randomness) lol! Here are a few pictures to remember the day.