Monday, December 7, 2015

News for the Week of 12/7-12/11

Dates to Remember:
12/11- Ballet Field Trip (please return permission slip, lunch choice and $10 for the trip as soon as possible)
12/18- PTO Winter Celebration 
12/21-1/1- Winter Holiday Break

Parents of Kindergarten students: As part of the eight components of school health, School Nurses conduct periodic vision, dental, hearing, blood pressure,and other screenings as recommended by SC DHEC, and as needed as part of the nurse's assessment during a health room visit. These screenings are important in early detection of hearing or vision difficulties that may impact teaching and learning. Many times a student is not even aware he/she is having difficulty seeing the board, reading, or hearing classroom instructions. I am planning on starting screening next week and hope to complete K-5 before winter break. Please contact me if you do not wish to have your child screened. Thank you!

Leaders of the Week:
Wednesday- Tate
Thursday- A.J.
Friday- Nate

A BIG THANKS TO...Mrs. Tompkins, Mrs. Rivera, Mrs. Strong, Mr. Matthews, and Dr. Silva for volunteering to chaperon for our upcoming field trip. We could only take one so we had a student draw a name! Mrs. Yanira Rivera is the lucky winner!

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