Friday, February 27, 2015

News for the week of March 2nd-6th

Dates to remember: 
March 12th: PTO meeting and 2nd Grade performance.
March 16th: Talent Show K-3rd
March 25th: Parent Gallery Walk- Animal Projects 9:00-9:30 a.m. 
March 26th: 11:30 Dismissal 
March 27th: Student Holiday 
March 30th-April 3rd: Spring Break

Instructions and materials are including in your child's FRED folder.  This assignment is due on Friday March 6, 2015.

"Parents, as a reminder, please remember that if your child is walking home with you, he/she must wait for you at the bike rack on the Lake Carolina side.  IF you are picking your child up from school in a vehicle, you must remain in the car rider line and not park in the parking lot and collect your child at the door by the bike rack.  Walking across the parking lot with your child with cars moving could be a potential hazard.  Thank your fro helping us keep our children safe!"
-Dr. Berry

The school will begin selling Chick-fil-A biscuits in the car rider lines on Monday mornings.  This is a wonderful way to help the school raise money and helps you not have to worry about fixing breakfast in the morning.  The biscuits will be $2.50 per biscuit. 

Don't forget to see list of Dr. Seuss themed days for next week!!!  The Seuss Celebration Week events are in your child's FRED folder.

The leaders for next week:
Monday- Mr. Johnson
Tuesday- Madison
Wednesday- Justin
Thursday- Carson
Friday- Blake

Pancakes for Parents

It was great seeing all of you at Pancakes for Parents.  I think it was a huge success!!!

Friday, February 20, 2015

News for the week of Feb. 20th-27th

Dates to remember:
Feb 20th-Family Fun Night at Book Fair: Book Fair and Family Fun night @Upper Campus.  Book Fair-4 p.m., Food for 5 p.m., Fun Night 6 p.m.
Feb 26th- Pancakes for Parents 7:30-8:30

Challenge for Box Tops:  Can our class turn in 100 Box Tops?  If so, our class will be able to  shop for a $5 book at the Book Fair.  You will find a "100 Box Tops" sheet in your child's FRED folder to affix your Box Tops.  These were due today be if you have any just send them in on Monday.

Don't forget about our Service Learning Project! Boxes of love for Palmetto Place Emergency Children's Shelter:  Kindergarten girls are asked to bring toothbrushes, and Kindergarten boys are asked to bring toothpaste.  We will collect donations until Tuesday, February 24th.  Thanks for your support!!!

The leaders for next week:
Monday- Gabriel
Tuesday- Jasmyn
Wednesday- Isaac
Thursday- Joshua
Friday- Charlotte

Friday, February 13, 2015


Sorry it took so long but here is a video to capture the day.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

News of the Week for February 12-19

Dates to Remember
Feb 13th:   Student Holiday
Feb 16th:   President’s Day Holiday
Feb 20th:  Family Night at the Book Fair – Family Fun Night – Upper Campus

Feb 26th:  Pancakes for Parents 7:30-8:00 am

Challenge for Box Tops:  Can our class turn in 100 Box Tops?  If so, our class will be able to shop for a $5 book at the Book Fair.  You will find a “100 Box Tops” sheet in your child’s FRED folder to affix your Box Tops.  These are due by February 20th!  I know we can do this!

Animal Projects:  Your child has chosen an animal to research, and you will receive the information for this project in your child’s FRED folder.  The children will be teaching a lesson on their animal at the end of March.  After the presentations, you will be invited to come to our class for a Parent Gallery Walk to learn about all of the animals researched in our class.  I will keep you informed of dates as the end of March draws closer.  Please sign and return the verification form, and let me know if you have any questions after reading through the guidelines.  

Don’t forget about our Service Learning Project!  Boxes of love for Palmetto Place Emergency Children's Shelter:  LCE will be making boxes of love to help the children at Palmetto Place feel a little better about not being at home. Each grade level will donate certain items, and Kindergarten girls are asked to bring toothbrushes, and Kindergarten boys are asked to bring toothpaste.  We will collect donations until Tuesday, February 24th.  Help bring a smile to another child's face by donating today! Thanks for your support!

Don't forget to read over Animal Expert Project.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.  

Monday- Student Holiday
Tuesday- Mario
Wednesday- Paisleigh
Thursday- Tiana
Friday- Dillon

Thank you all for the wonderful treats and for the amazing job you did on the Valentine's boxes. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lifeskills highlight

We have the best class ever!  This morning I received a call about how we had a student who was nervous and afraid to come into the building because he had to wear an eye patch and was worried about what the other students would say.  It reminded me of a story "Crazy Hair Day" by Barney Saltzberg.  In the story the character colored his hair crazy for Crazy Hair Day only to find out that it was actually school picture day today.  He was embarrassed, nervous, and scared after his friends and picked on him.  In the end the students all put crazy things in their hair for the picture day.  As you can see our class decided to also make our friend feel a part of our community.  We focused our lifeskills of Friendship, Courage, and Caring, and Flexibility. I was very proud of our Gators!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dental Health

Today the students were visited from the Columbia Marrionette Theatre. They preformed a show entitled "Floppy and Flora." The show talked about not being afraid to go to the dentist. 

Animal Project

Roar...,  Oink..., Neigh,,,., Howl!!!! It is time for our Animal Expert Project.  The students will become experts on an animal of their choice.  They will learn 5 facts about the animal, be able to explain its life cycle and habitat, and have one "Wonder" question on something they would like to know more about their animal.  The students are expected to be the experts.  So Mom and Dad you can help, but the students must be able to present the information.  A sheet will come home with your child this week to explain more in detail.  Please start thinking about what animal you all might want to research.  We will select animals officially tomorrow Wednesday February 11, 2015.  Happy researching!!!!   

Thursday, February 5, 2015

American Symbols

This week we have started talking about American symbols (American Flag, Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, and the Bald Eagle).  We first begin by talking about what are symbols.  Then we moved in to discussing why we use symbols.  Today we learned about our American Flag "Ol' Glory."  Below is a link to a video that goes into detail discussing the flag and a few more symbols that we will learn about tomorrow. 

Healthy Living

Please don't forget to wear red tomorrow in support of Heart Healthy Living! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

100 days Smarter

Can't believe that we have been in school 100 days already! We spent the day searching for words, counting, and getting 100 years older! We had tons of fun!