Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lifeskills highlight

We have the best class ever!  This morning I received a call about how we had a student who was nervous and afraid to come into the building because he had to wear an eye patch and was worried about what the other students would say.  It reminded me of a story "Crazy Hair Day" by Barney Saltzberg.  In the story the character colored his hair crazy for Crazy Hair Day only to find out that it was actually school picture day today.  He was embarrassed, nervous, and scared after his friends and picked on him.  In the end the students all put crazy things in their hair for the picture day.  As you can see our class decided to also make our friend feel a part of our community.  We focused our lifeskills of Friendship, Courage, and Caring, and Flexibility. I was very proud of our Gators!

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