Friday, April 10, 2015

News for the week of April 11th- April 1

Dates to remember:
April 10th: Report Cards issued 
April 14th: Snow White play @Westwood High School 6:30
April 15th: "Purple Up" wear purple in support of military children.
April 16th: Snow White play @Westwood High School 6:30
April 17th: "Light it Up Blue" Autism awareness (wear blue)
April 22nd: Earth Day (wear green)  
April 30th: Field Trip to Country Adventures 

Your child's report card is in his/her FRED folder.  You may keep the report card but please return the cover on Monday April 13, 2015. 

April is the month of the military child.  We love our military children and strive to build a community that celebrates and offers support to our littlest heroes.  Military kids and their families face challenges every year such as frequent moves, deployments, and reintegration.  What we celebrate is their resiliency, courage, and service throughout these unique challenges.  We would love for you to email pictures of you and your military child to Ms. Harper at Please send all pictures by April 15th.  Thank you for helping to support our military children at LCE!

Field trip to the farm!  We are going to Country Time Adventures on Thursday April 30, 2015. There is  an information sheet and a permission sheet in your child's FRED folder.  We are only allowed to take 3 chaperons on the trip.  We (Mrs. Grant and I) drew names today and  the lucky 3 are *drum roll*  Mr. Lewis (Josh's Dad), Mrs. Lee (Isaac's Mom), and Mrs. Dasinger (Paisleigh's Mom).  If there is some reason that any of our chaperons can not make it please let me know and we can draw another name.  Please know that all chaperons have to pay $10 to attend. 

****Gator Games T-shirt order form attached in separate email.****

The leaders for the week:
Monday: Carson
Tuesday: Blake
Wednesday: Joey
Thursday: Happy Birthday Milan
Please send 20 individually packaged snacks and drinks for 20 hungry little gators.

Please come out and support our very own "Prince Charming" (Joey Smith) in the play "Snow White" Tuesday April 14th, 2015 @ Westwood High School by the LCE Drama Club. Curtains rise at 6:30.  From what I have heard we will be in for a treat!

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