Friday, August 28, 2015

News for the week of 8/28-9/4

Dates to remember- September 7th- Labor Day Holiday
September 18th- Family Night at the Book Fair
September 21st-25th Scholastic Book Fair
September 24th 11:30 Dismissal  
September 25th Fall Pictures 

Please make sure to check your child's FRED folder every night.   Please return all forms sent home.

We will start Class Dojo after Labor Day, just still getting the students used to procedures.

Parents we will start our All About Me unit this coming week along with our first homework assignment.  You will find an introduction letter as well as well as materials to complete the assignment in your child's FRED folder.  If you misplaced any sheet below is a link for a copy.

All About Me Camera

Leaders for the week
Monday- Cruz
Tuesday- Chance
Wednesday- Savannah
Thursday- Tristen
Friday- Edyan

Thank you for being great parents and following school rules and procedures!!!

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