Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sensational Senses Field Trip

Here are a few pictures from the Sensational Senses in school Field Trip.  The students experimented with seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching various skins, scents, feathers. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Week 3 Popcorn Words

Week 3

Week 2 Popcorn words

This week’s words are: and, the, no, like

Ideas for working with the words this week are:
1. 3x Each: Write each of your words 3 times each
2. Magazine Cut-Ups: Look through a magazine. Cut out letters and paste
them to make each word.
3.  3-D Words: Use play dough to make your words.
4. Choo-Choo Words: Write all of your words, one right after the other, using a different color for each word to make your word train.

 Challenge:  If your child already knows these words by sight, write four sentences using each of the four words.  Focus on proper capitalization of letters only in the first word of the sentence unless a proper noun, spaces between words, and punctuation at the end of the sentence.  Popcorn words should be spelled correctly but allow your child to write other words of the sentence based on the sounds that they hear.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Football Players visit

My football players came to greet the kids this morning. Check out @Mr_JohnsonK's Tweet:

News for the Week of 9/21-9/25

Dates to Remember-
September 18th- Back to School Block Party at Upper
September- 21 September-25 Scholastic Book fair
September 24- 11:30 Early Dismissal
September 25- Fall Pictures

Please make sure you are checking your child's FRED folder every night for important documents. Please return all forms sent home.

In for folder we are sending home library cards for Richland County Public Library. 

Sensational Senses

A Zoo Professional will be visiting our school.  The students will learn how animals use their senses in their environment to survive.  No animals will be coming; however, in the past, animal skins and skeletons have been brought  to our school for demonstration purposes.

When:  September 21, 2015
Cost:  $5.00 per student
Please send this amount in your child’s FRED folder pouch, labeled “Sensational Senses”, on or
before Thursday,  September 17th.
Thank you!

Hear is the cover letter and copy of homework in case it is misplaced Cover sheet Letter sheets

Leaders for the week:

Monday- Kyra
Tuesday- Carlton
Thursday- Chance
Friday- Edyan

Fall conferences will start next week please look for an email to sign up.

Thank you all for your kind words, thoughtful messages, and prayers in my recovery time.  It really made my recovery process great!


Friday, September 11, 2015

News for the Week of 9/14-9/18

Dates to Remember-
September 18th- Family Night at the Book Fair
September 21st-25th- Scholastic Book Fair
September 24th- 11:30 Early Dismissal 
September 25th Fall Pictures 

Please make sure you are checking your child's FRED folder every night for important documents. Please return all forms sent home. 

We have a BOX TOP contest running now through September 16th.  Please cut out Box Tops and send them in your child's FRED folder.

Sensational Senses

A Zoo Professional will be visiting our school.  The students will learn how animals use their senses in their environment to survive.  No animals will be coming; however, in the past, animal skins and skeletons have been brought  to our school for demonstration purposes.

When:  September 21, 2015
Cost:  $5.00 per student
Please send this amount in your child’s FRED folder pouch, labeled “Sensational Senses”, on or
before Thursday,  September 17th.
Thank you!

Leader for the Week:
Monday- AJ
Tuesday- Tyler
Wednesday- Nate
Thursday- Cedric
Friday- Alecya 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Popcorn Words Week 1

Ideas for working with the words this week are:
1. 3x Each: Write each of your words 3 times each
2. 3D Words: Use play dough to make your words.
3. Sweet & Salty Words: Put some sugar or salt on a plate. Use your finger to write your words in the sugar or salt.

3. Challenge:  If your child already knows these words by sight, write four sentences using each of the four words.  Focus on proper capitalization of letters only in the first word of the sentence unless a proper noun, spaces between words, and punctuation at the end of the sentence.  Popcorn words should be spelled correctly but allow your child to write other words of the sentence based on the sounds that they hear.

Friday, September 4, 2015

News for the Week of 9/7-9/11

Dates to Remember- 
September 7th- Labor Day Holiday
September 11th- "Family Homes" homework assignment due (feel free to wear something patriotic)
September 18th- Family Night at the Book Fair
September 21st-25th Scholastic Book Fair
September 24th 11:30 Dismissal 
September 25th Fall Pictures

Please make sure you are checking your child's blue FRED folder every night for important documents. Please return all forms sent home.

I would like to give a shout out to our 2015-2016 Home room mom Mrs. Niki Strong.  I know she will do a great job and I am excited to work with her and PTO this year.  

Here is a letter from her informing you of upcoming information. Homeroom Parent 

We have a BOX TOP contest happening now until September 16th.  Please cut out and send in FRED folder to class.

This week was a trial run with Class Dojo. Weekly reports will be sent home on Fridays.  I will erase points and we will start clean on Tuesday. 

Sensational Senses

A Zoo Professional will be visiting our school.  The students will learn how animals use their senses in their environment to survive.  No animals will be coming; however, in the past, animal skins and skeletons have been brought  to our school for demonstration purposes.

When:  September 21, 2015
Cost:  $5.00 per student
Please send this amount in your child’s FRED folder pouch, labeled “Sensational Senses”, on or
before Thursday,  September 17th.
Thank you!

Read your way to the Big Game-  Our school has entered a contest to read six books for our rivalry  SC college teams Clemson & Carolina!  Please help your child reach this goal by reading six extra books and checking the team of their choice.  The log is in your child's folder.  We will collect these until Friday November, 6. 

We have homework assignment this week.  It is in a Ziplock bag in your child's FRED folder.  Please review and turn in no later than Friday September 11, 2015.

Family Homes

Leaders for the Week
Monday- Labor Day Holiday No School
Tuesday- Eliahana
Wednesday- Logan
Thursday- Jameson
Friday- Tate

We need at least 18 individually wrapped snack and drink for 18 hungry Gators.