Monday, September 21, 2015

Week 2 Popcorn words

This week’s words are: and, the, no, like

Ideas for working with the words this week are:
1. 3x Each: Write each of your words 3 times each
2. Magazine Cut-Ups: Look through a magazine. Cut out letters and paste
them to make each word.
3.  3-D Words: Use play dough to make your words.
4. Choo-Choo Words: Write all of your words, one right after the other, using a different color for each word to make your word train.

 Challenge:  If your child already knows these words by sight, write four sentences using each of the four words.  Focus on proper capitalization of letters only in the first word of the sentence unless a proper noun, spaces between words, and punctuation at the end of the sentence.  Popcorn words should be spelled correctly but allow your child to write other words of the sentence based on the sounds that they hear.

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