Friday, March 13, 2015

News of the Week for March 16th-20th

News for the week of March 16th-20th
Dates to remember: 
March 16th   Talent Show K-3@ Upper 
March 25th   Parent Gallery Walk- Animal 9:00-9:30 am 
March 26th   11:30 Dismissal 
March 27th   Student Holiday 
March 30th-April 3rd  Spring Break 

Parent Gallery Walk: Parents, you are invited to the Animal Project Parent Gallery Walk on Wednesday, March 25th at 9:00 am.  At this time you will have the opportunity to see all the animal projects, and learn a little bit from our Animal Experts.  If you are not able to attend please send a grandparent, uncle, aunt, family member, or neighbor.  We would like for each child to have an adult present for this special time.  Please make plans to take your child's project home when you leave the gallery walk.  This will make your child's dismissal a little easier.     

The leaders for next week:
Monday: Roland
Tuesday: Mario
Wednesday: Paisleigh
Thursday: Tiana
Friday: Happy Birthday Dillon

Walk or Bike home FROM School Day Tuesday March 17, 2015.  
Why Walk or Bike? Its Fun ~ Healthier Habit! ~ Cleaner Environment! ~ Promotes Safety!~ 
Home FROM School Day.  Kids are encouraged to make signs, posters, banners, and wear as much Green as possible.  
The afternoon was chosen over the morning to assure warmer temperatures and more participation. 

Ask your child to explain NOWA (No-wah) to you (They should ask for a pencil and sheet of paper).

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