Friday, March 6, 2015

News of the Week for March 9th-13th

Dates to Remember
March 12th: PTO Meeting and 2nd Grade Performance
March 16th: Talent Show K-3rd
March 25th: Parent Gallery Walk – Animal Projects 9:00-9:30 am
March 26th: 11:30 Dismissal
March 27th: Student Holiday

Mar. 30th-Apr. 3rd:  Spring Break

Parent Gallery Walk:  Parents, you are invited to the Animal Project Parent Gallery Walk on Wednesday, March 25th at 9:00am.  At this time, you will have an opportunity to see all of the animal projects, and learn a little bit from our Animal Experts.  If you will not able to attend, please send a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or neighbor.  We would like for each child to have an adult present for this special time.

Homework:  Animal Projects!  All animal projects are due next Friday, March 13. Please remember that your child will teach all of their classmates when they present! Make sure that your child is able to read the writing on their presentation board.  

The leaders for next week:
Monday:  Joey
Tuesday:  Isabelle
Wednesday:  Aaden
Thursday: Aiden
Friday: Milan
Please  send  20 individually  packaged snack  and  drinks  for  20  hungry  gators.

It’s time for Daylight Savings Time.   Don’t forget to “Spring Forward” this weekend.  

The school will be selling Chick-fil-A Biscuits in the car rider lines on Monday mornings. This is a wonderful way to help the school raise money and helps you not have to worry about fixing breakfast in the morning. The biscuits will be $2.50 per biscuit.

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